
Short answer, yes! Long answer? It still ends in yes, but I’ve got a few things to say about it.

I don’t watch much reality tv, but as someone who has lost over 100 pounds, I watch The Biggest Loser pretty religiously because it is a show that hits close to home for me. I also watch it because as a trainer and gym owner I want to make sure I know what’s going on because a lot of my clients watch it.

When my clients talk to me about this show and how they want to do what the contestants are doing, the most important thing I tell them is that the numbers these people are losing, in such short periods of time, aren’t realistic for most people. They’re working out 8 hours a day, they have all of their meals planned for them and they are on a limited caloric intake. I’m not saying that it’s not possible with hard work and a clean/perfect diet, I just tell them that losing 12 pounds in one week for a female is not the norm.

Even though I was almost 300 pounds at one point in my life, I don’t usually relate to the contestants on the show because I wasn’t that way all of my life. I was a “fluffy” kid (but not fat) until I was 15 years old and then I grew 7” in one summer at which point I was then a lean, skinny kid.  I didn’t put on my extra 120 pounds until I was 20 and I was only overweight for about 6 years before I made the change.

This season, for the first time, I could 100% relate to contestant on the TV show, Rachel and I understood where she was mentally at both the beginning and during her journey. After being a high-level athlete for so long and then losing it is terrible, especially if it was your whole life for so long.  But when you finally get to feel like an athlete again for the first time after being away from it for so long, it makes you feel unstoppable!

Fast forward to the finale and how Rachel looked;  She’s 5’4” and weighed in at the finale at 105 pounds, and to not hold back at all, she looked terrible. She honestly looked like a skeleton with skin on it and nothing else.  For the first time ever on this show I thought to myself, that is not healthy! However, before I start getting all preachy, I’ll tell you something, I did the exact same thing.


When I first lost all my weight, I dropped down to about 150 pounds and at 5’10 1/2”, that’s pretty skinny, too skinny. If you’re one of those people who goes by BMI, that put me right at a “healthy” 21.5 which is foolish. I was not healthy, I was skinny and sickly.

Once I started to lose the weight and see results, I got competitive with myself. I loved losing weight and how I was feeling and I loved that people were noticing and making comments about how much weight I lost and I LOVED that no one was calling me fat anymore.  I felt like I got my swagger back. In my eyes it was great.

However, I was wrong.

I was cutting calories, skipping meals, taking a lot of fat burners, doing too much cardio, working out too much and not sleeping enough. I went from an unhealthy 275 pounds to unhealthy 150 pounds. It was not good. I was working so hard at losing weight because of the results, how I felt, and the attention I was getting, that I did it in the wrong way. I wanted to do it faster each week and I wanted it all now. So, with all that being said, imagine what you would do to lose weight if you were competing for $250,000.00.  I’m not saying that what Rachel did is excusable because of the end prize of cash, but I can completely understand where she’s coming from because she was a competitive athlete and that’s just her nature and she finally had her swagger back.

I don’t know how the last few months of The Biggest Loser go, but I feel like the show needs to be accountable for what goes on after they leave the ranch. There’s no way they should have “let” Rachel get down to 105 pounds and to look like that. It’s just the opposite end of the unhealthy spectrum from where she was before.

Do you guys watch The Biggest Loser? Have you heard about Rachel’s story? What are your thoughts on this?

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  1. Janice 07/02/2014 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    It’s a contest & she did what she found necessary in order to win the contest. I can’t comment for sure on the methods she used to lose the weight, or whether her current weight is healthy, I’ll leave that to her doctor to determine.

    What I am happy about is that this has brought attention to the fact that losing as much weight as you can by any means necessary may not be healthy, and that the Biggest Loser show is a weight loss contest, not a contest about becoming the healthiest.

  2. Mary 07/02/2014 at 4:54 pm - Reply

    I live over in the UK and after seeing this debate on so many blogs over the past couple of days I’ve tried to watch some video footage of the show, but I haven’t found any footage that works outside the US. I’m sure something will pop up on Youtube soon enough. Just wondering if The Biggest Loser made any comments about the weight she had lost? Were they completely positive about her new weight?

  3. Abby @ BackAtSquareZero 07/02/2014 at 5:15 pm - Reply

    I too think she is too skinny now, but for $250,000 how can you blame her for trying to win. I’d go for the money too. I hope she finds a healthy weight now.

  4. Heather 07/02/2014 at 7:32 pm - Reply

    I wote about this yesterday. What disturbs me is she made it very clear that 105 was her goal weight and she plans to maintain it. Yikes. So unhealthy and she was celebrated for it. Makes me sad,

  5. Rob Lavoie 08/02/2014 at 7:57 am - Reply

    Good for her for winning, I guess. Just doesn’t seem either healthy or sustainable. The look on the trainer’s faces kind of summed it up perfectly. Completely agree with you Scott that while losing weight, it’s easy to get the blinders on and become addicted to the number on the scale vs doing what’s right for your body and your psyche long term. It took me over a year to lose 50lbs the right way after years of putting it on the wrong ways.

  6. Mitchell murphy 08/02/2014 at 8:36 am - Reply

    I am the same as you Scott and watch the show regularly. This year when Rachel came onto the live finale my face looked the exact same as Jillian’s. Instant thoughts were anorexic and too skinny. When I sat back and thought about the amount of pressure that they put on the contestants, with the prize amount and her competitive edge with her swimming background I thought that I would probably do anything to win that prize and change my life. So when she got down to a point where she stopped losing weight she would of had to cut her calories even more to see results. She looked very dehydrated like a bodybuilder so most definitely cut her water 36hrs b4 the show.
    Bottom line not healthy!
    Hopefully she gets back in the gym and adds some muscle mass to her frame and fixes her diet. She will not have the doctors and dietitians at home that she had on the show to monitor her so I hope to read up on her soon and see something positive.
    Great article I was thinking the same!

  7. Amy @ The Little Honey Bee 10/02/2014 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    Scott, this was such an incredible post. Rachel’s story hit close to home for me as well. While my weight loss was not to the extent of hers (or yours), our “athletic mentality” has a great effect. I think it is almost the norm that this happens for athletes especially who lose weight. It is what we are told to do: eat less, cardio, skinny. But the journey comes to a point that we either go down a healthy path or an unhealthy path. Crossfit has shifted my journey towards a healthy and strong path – you were definitely an inspiration in that too as I saw the positive impact it has on your life (hope that doesn’t sound creepy). Anyways, I will stop rambling and I just hope Rachel finds her healthy path too.

  8. Kara 19/02/2014 at 11:39 am - Reply

    I really do not see what all the “scandal” is about. The woman was an athlete prior to her period of weight gain. The body has muscle memory so when she began to loose weight and exercise her body didn’t have trouble remembering that she had muscle in the past and it could rebuild quicker.
    I think she looks great. There is nothing wrong with being 5’4″ and 105 pounds. I am 5’6″ and 112 pounds. I eat 5 meals a day, work out every day and stay active and I am in my 40’s.
    This women should be congratulated for her accomplishment and not belittled for it.

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